Monday, April 23, 2012

Your Royal Name

   What is your name? Do you think it would go very well with the title Princess? Or do you think it doesn't have enough character and uniqueness to make it in the world of names and titles? So stop for a moment and consider this.
   If you think your name isn't enough, consider a pseudonym, a fake name. This name can be as elaborate or simple as you would like. It can include as many middle names as you would like too.
   Take my pseudonym for instance: Princess Jewel. I still have to work on it, for I am still looking for that perfect middle name. It is hard to find.
   So, go off work on your perfect name! I hope to post more princessy projects soon, but I might not be able to because of school. Have fun!

((As usual, not my picture!)))

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Acting like a Princess

To act like a princess, one must have poise and grace. The following list shows what skills princesses have:

1. Be Kind. Even to people who aren't kind to you.
2. Smile. Smiles are contagious! You could cheer someone up with yours!
3. Be Merciful. If someone does a wrong to you, forgive them.
4. Be Confidant. Even if you don't feel it! Fake it, and you'll soon feel it.
5. Use Your Manners. Please's and Thank you's go a long way and are basic manners.
6. Be Generous. Not only with your money, but with your time and prayers.
7. Be Yourself! Not all princesses should be the same!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

I have been busy lately, but I just wanted to say, on behalf of myself and my Kingdom,

Happy New Year!

~Princess Christy of the Kingdom of Dragonia

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What Princesses Should Know

What Princesses Should Know

   Princesses should know many things. In this blog post I want to cover some of these things. Here is a list of what basics princesses should learn:

Affairs of other nations outside her own

   Princesses should learn to sew. Why? They need to know at least basic stitches to care for their garments. A lot of princesses don’t have their own hand maids, so they should learn to repair a rip, patch up a hole, and sew on a button.

   Princesses should learn to clean. Why? Princesses usually don’t want to be thought of as slobs. They should learn to clean off mirrors, sinks, bathtubs and showers, sweep and mop the floors, clean off windows, ceiling fans, and they should even learn to clean the toilet.

   A princess should learn how to cook. Why? If a princess is hungry, she should know how to make herself something to eat! It is an essential skill in life (Not to mention feeding Prince Charming or Knight in Shining Armor).

   A Princess should know the affairs of other nations outside her own. Why? It could change the future of your nation!

   A Princess should know how to read and read well. That means learning to pronounce big words and know their meanings.

   A Princess should know how to write. She should know how to write at least two ways, if not more. These two ways would include Print and Cursive. Yes, I said cursive; that way of writing you learned in third grade that you may have forgotten how to use. If available, a princess should learn to write in calligraphy.

   A Princess should learn how to dance. If not anything else, you should at least know how to do a basic waltz. Ballet, belly dancing, Irish Step, and Ballroom are other great dances to learn.

   A Princess should know how to do Arithmetic. Why? You don’t want to be the only one in your kingdom that doesn’t understand how to add or multiply do you? Besides, it comes in handy for counting your jewels!

   A Princess should know how to draw. Even if you can only draw a stick figure, at least you should know how to draw! And remember, practice makes perfect!

What advanced skills princesses should learn (in my opinion):

Horseback riding
How to use a computer
Other languages (Italian, French, Sign Language, Fan, Japanese, etc.)
How to use a fan

   Why should a Princess learn embroidery? It’s nice to be able to create beautiful things with your hands!

   Why should a Princess learn to swordplay? There may be a time that she is walking in the woods alone and a goblin attacks her!

   Why should a Princess learn archery? So she can hit the mark every time! It’s also good for picking off enemies at a distance. If you didn’t want to lug a bow around, you could learn to use a slingshot.

   Why should a Princess learn Horseback Riding? A princess needs to know how to control her steed.

   Why should a Princess learn to use a computer? So she can post on her blog, play games, and converse with people.

   Why should a Princess learn other languages? If a princess doesn’t know how to speak French when she is in France or Canada, she might become very lost. That is why it is needed to know how to speak other languages.

   Why should a Princess learn to use a fan? A Princess should learn to use a hand fan. Hand fans are quite charming and lovely. They are very useful too. If you get hot, you can fan yourself.

   If you can think of anymore things a princess should learn, leave a comment!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Purpose of the Crown

((Picture is not mine!))

Every princess should have a crown. Really, they should. A crown could be anything: An actual crown, a tiara, a wire circlet, a chain of flowers, a ribbon... The possibilities are endless! You could even use bark or twigs if you wanted!

The purpose of the crown is to show others that you are, in fact, a princess. Who these others may be, however, is up to you. Your citizens of your kingdom may be a crowd of adoring fans. It may be your family and friends. It may even be your group of stuffed animals. Whatever your crowd of people is, they will be sure to know that you are a princess.

~Princess Christy~

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Kingdom of Your Own...

To be a princess, you must have a kingdom. It doesn't matter if it is small (i.e. your bedroom) or large (i.e. your whole house and land besides), you will need a kingdom. There is something called a micro-nation. This is a nation that is not recognized by other countries, but may be recognized by other micro-nations.

To make this kingdom, you must first choose a name. Something that you love, your name with and added -ia or -ville or something, or a random, made up name. Have fun with it.

Secondly, decide where your barriers end for your kingdom.

Thirdly, you must decide how it will be ruled. Will you make the final decisions or will someone else? Will there be a court to pass rules or laws through?

After this, you must design a flag. You could as design a coat of arms if you wanted.

Next, develop a motto. It can be in any language you like, but most are in Latin.

This is all I can think of at the moment. If you have any ideas, feel free to leave them in the comments!